Text on a map, reading "Ngā hikou o āku waiheke o Te Whanganui a Tara. The many walks of Wellingtons streams", paired with stream names
Fully booked

Moturoa - The Many Walks of Wellington's Streams

We will be hosting six walks along some of Wellingtons most precious tāonga, our hidden streams. Join us and start your own journey to rediscover your awa.

Moturoa Stream is largely piped underground – except in Central Park, where it is a visible and loved feature of the park. This walk will follow the stream and a small tributary through gardens and regenerating forest, passing historic sites and features that tell how the stream has changed with the development of its catchment and the park, including a former dam, landfill and army camp as well as beautification gardens and planting.

A moderate level of fitness is required as there is a steep uphill section with steps and some of the tracks are narrow and can be slippery after rain.

The walk will begin at the main gates of Central Park on Brooklyn Road (opposite the Central Park Apartments). It is hosted by Friends of Central Park.

The reserve day for these walks will be 10 Nov in the event of a weather cancellation on the 9th.

Children under 16 will need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Note: Please follow the Facebook page for any updates to the walk including weather postponement.

Health & Safety

All precautions will be taken by the hosts but all participants will be required to sign a health and safety waiver to ensure they can take responsibility for their own safety for the duration of the walk.

The main gates of Central Park on Brooklyn Road (opposite the Central Park Apartments)


Wellington CBD


Walking Tour

Event times

Fully booked

10-11:30am Sat 9 Nov

Booking requiredKohaMax 12 people.

Fully booked

12-2pm Sat 9 Nov

Booking requiredKohaMax 12 people.

Ngā hikoi o āku waiheke (Many walks of small streams)

Ngā hikoi (many walks) are a collective of passionate water carers connected to some of the lost and culverted awa of Te Whanganui a Tara/Wellington. We are excited to share some of our knowledge and kōrero with members of the public who are curious to start reconnecting with their waterways.

Email: martyandrews21@gmail.com

Phone: 021385503