A historic black and white photo of Newtown, c.1880, viewed from the top of Constable Street.

Newtown's Flora, Fauna, Land and Waterways

Newtown, c.1880, viewed from the top of Constable Street. (ATL, PA1-q-120-19-2)

A talk in two parts about the history of Newtown's natural environment.

What was this landscape like for the original bird and fish and butterfly inhabitants of what is now known as Newtown in Wellington? GWRC Councillor Yadana Saw will explore how the springs, streams and critters that once covered our neighbourhood are still living beneath our streets and gardens. Following this, environmental artist Paul Forrest will weave tales from his research about the history of our Newtown Green Belt (Te Ranga a Hiwi). The talk covers the landscape from prehuman times, the changes with human history, to the present-day regenerative projects.

Health & Safety

This is a talk in an accessible, newly renovated building. There are no undue safety concerns.

Newtown Community Centre - Te Whare Hapori o Ngā Puna Waiora, corner of Rintoul and Colombo St





Event times

7:15-8:30pm Wed 6 Nov


Newtown Residents' Association

We are a group of residents, business owners and people who work & play locally who care about the community and local issues.

Email: newtownwellington@gmail.com

Phone: 02102528709