Text on a map, reading "Ngā hikou o āku waiheke o Te Whanganui a Tara. The many walks of Wellingtons streams", paired with stream names
Filling up fast

The Many Walks of Wellington's Streams

Discover six walks along some of Wellington's most precious tāonga; our hidden streams. Join us and start your own journey to rediscover your awa.

These hīkoi (walks), listed below, will follow six of our urban streams; Kumutoto, Waimapihi, Waitangi, Kaiwharawhara, Ōwhiro & Moturoa.

Each host will have a different focus for their walk; history, education, conservation, flora & fauna & restoration will all be touched on during our hikoi to better understand the current state of our water today.

Health & Safety

Attendees will be asked to sign a waiver accepting responsibility for their safety and to behave appropriately and responsibly when participating in each walk.

Check each event, below, for its relevant location.


Wellington CBD


Walking Tour

Ngā hikoi o āku waiheke (Many walks of small streams)

Ngā hikoi (many walks) are a collective of passionate water carers connected to some of the lost and culverted awa of Te Whanganui a Tara/Wellington. We are excited to share some of our knowledge and kōrero with members of the public who are curious to start reconnecting with their waterways.

Email: martyandrews21@gmail.com

Phone: 021385503